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Countrylink Paraphernalia

Back in the day, someone had a plan to upgrade the Canberra - Sydney rail fleet to X2000... or somesuch... The X2000 was shipped from the Scandies to Australia and strapped onto an XPT power car.

I happened to be there when the unit came to Canberra. Here's the pamphlet as proof:





Wait, no, I suppose this is the actual proof...


Oh! They also handed out rulers... one of mine seems to have enjoyed a bake in the sun.


And here's a sticker of the actual unit that was powering the set... making the whole process pointless...

xpt stickers

They weren't handed out at the same time... I just happened to have all of this in boxes and feel it's wasted there. More to come.

Filed under: AUS Leave a comment
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  1. Still a beautiful looking train even after nearly 40 years. It’s replacement does not look as good, depending on the artists impression used.

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