Extending Rokuhan Z-Scale Shorties
Rokuhan makes a selection of Z-Scale "Shorties" which you can motorise and run on Z-Scale layouts. They're all 3-car sets and this proves a problem when you want to run a longer consist.
With the shinkansen specifically, the 3-car consists are extremely short and not very prototypical. Purchasing extra packs to extend a consist would result in a collection of cab cars which can't be used. You could modify a pilot on a cab car to allow coupling, but there's another option.
Let's chop two cab cars in half and make a extra internmediate passenger car. This is mildly scariligious, but ... meh.
I whipped out a set of tools and got to work.
The final result really wasn't too bad!
I wonder if I can get the same results for Dr Yellow and Hello Kitty?
The bows might be a little more obvious.