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Shin-Osaka Webcam – Sunrise Seto/Izumo+Track Vehicles

Just for fun I installed FlashBack Express and attempted to record video from the Shin-Osaka Webcam YouTube Live stream. It's probably totally against the rules, but I really wanted to capture a tiny Shinkansen Track Vehicle that you really couldn't see in a single still.

Anyway, first up is the Sunrise Seto/Izumo. This train takes you from Tokyo to either Shikoku or Tottori. It splits at Okayama.

And then the Shinkansen Track Vehicle. I recorded this in double-time as it was really dawdling at the start. It then ends up shooting through the actual station platforms.

As mentioned... these might not be up for long... I'll delete this post if that happens.


Shin-Osaka Webcam – What you can expect to see…

Welcome back to Shin-Osaka. This station is north of the main Osaka station and provides a transfer point to the Tokaido and Sanyo Shinkansen. There's a webcam hosted live on Youtube to the north-east of the station and it provides a perfect view of all traffic heading in and out of the station. The link to the camera is here.

View my post here with a timetable of the standard trains. It'll help you find a specific service! It also has a list of observations as to when specific movements are run.

The two lines in the bottom-right are freight and you'll see all sorts of interesting things passing through. You'll also see shinkansen up top, hence Doctor Yellow, and any other plethora of EMUs/DMUs and freight in the middle.

Here's another... an older 283-Series Kuroshio. There aren't many of these running any more; they quickly upgrade the consists in Japan!


And the next day in the reverse order... must run a loop somewhere?


And here it is in its latest incantation with the Wakayama Adventure World livery (Yes, that's an angry PANDA)...


And the Airport Express Haruka...


And the Super Hakuto...


Which also has square-ended driving cabs...


And the Thunderbird with its seriously long consist...


Which also has a pointer-other-end...


Note that they also sometimes run dead-headed back along the Tokaido line. I believe they'll then take the triangle south of Amagasaki and enter Osaka Station from the West end.


And then a dead-heading past an actual T'bird service...


And then sometimes you'll get unexpected movements... like this 117 Series (300 subseries) which usually only hangs around Kyoto and further East on the Kosei Line...
(Update: It was actually an end-of-year school excursion!)


The Wide-View Hida is a DMU that will take you out to Gifu and Takayama via Nagoya...


They even sometimes slap an extra cab-car on the front to cater for busier mornings!


Another DMU is the Hamakaze which will take you up to Tottori.


Freight also takes the inner lines when heading to Ajikawaguchi (down near USJ)...


And sometimes just runs as a light-engine...


There's always freight running on the bottom-right lines, but usually only with single locos in the lead. Today an HD300 was being transferred inline.


And again a few days later with an EF64-1000 series being transferred back to Hiroshima?


There's actually light-engine movements quite often... Here's a DE10 on the main freight line... (can you see it?)


It returned West the next day...


Seems it was heading out to Kawasaki in Hyogo to pick up a brand new EMU. Here it is dragging the new set east...


The best part about Japan is their adherence to timetables... here's another DE10 running the same timeslot east. I wonder if it'll come back on the timeslot above?


It sure did! So keep an eye out for the 0853 westbound and then a 1358 return slot! It had a string of very new-looking flats this time.


And then even a light EF64 running west on the main Tokaido track...


Aaannd... even a DD51 towing a single flat with rails?


And then it returned the next day, but on the line from Ajikawaguchi (or further south?)


A DD51 has also been seen bolting Southbound towards osaka station on the standard passenger lines.


An EF210 hauled two railset flats on the mainline...


And now I present a Blue 103 Series EMU, dead-heading along the Tokaido Line towards Kyoto!


Which then returned 40 minutes later.


If you're up early/late enough, then you'll also see the M250 Super Rail Cargo heading through Shin-Osaka...


And again, for those early birds... a few minutes before the M250 you'll see the Sunrise Express Izumo/Seto (actually expected around 0420).


In the afternoons, you even get cool planes flying over... the shadows are really cool!


The goal is now to have a train on every track. So far I've got the current shot pegged as the most various....


I'll update this as interesting things happen.


Shin-Osaka Webcam – Salon Car Naniwa

Here's the Salon Car Naniwa departing Shin-Osaka Station (seen via the Shin-Osaka Webcam). This is a tour train that operates around the Kinki area.
